Quirindi Historical Cottage and Museum

Quirindi Historical Cottage and Museum

Historical Cottage built in 1887 of locally made bricks. Corrugated iron and log sheds (shearing Shed Style). Extensive collections maintained, restored, conserved by volunteers. Special exhibitions arranged in line with community events such as a wool display for prime stock day and a "1901" theme for the centenary of federation.

Special displays are also featured each September, coinciding with History Week, and for the Quirindi Show.

44 Station Street, Quirindi NSW 2343, Australia
+61 02 67609634
10am to 4pm Fridays, other times by arrangement
Adults $3, Children 50c.
wheelchair access, toilet, tea making facilities, meeting room, sale of local history books, archives, microfilm local newspapers, microfiche NSW Births Deaths and Marriages register

The collections and records reflect the Quirindi district - the pastoral beginnings, followed by closer settlement and broadacre farming, some mining ventures, the development of local government in the area and the lifestyle in rural and town settings.

Unique collections such as the McLennan-Phillips Aboriginal Collection; the Quirindi Cottage Hospital theatre and medical display; the H R Carter Radio Room; the Costume Room; military displays and early twentieth century kitchenware.