Pine Rivers Heritage Museum

Pine Rivers Heritage Museum

The Pine Rivers Heritage Museum documents and presents the history of the Pine Rivers region, approximately 30 kms north of Brisbane. Our historical collections tell the story of the early settlers and their involvement in farming, timbergetting, establishing early schools, and other aspects of our region's history. Our special exhibition gallery complements the permanent displays with an ever-changing line-up of thematic exhibitions and travelling exhibitions.

Pine Rivers Heritage Museum
Pine Rivers Heritage Museum

Old Petrie Town, Dayboro Road, Whiteside QLD 4503, Australia
+61 07 3285 7213
+61 07 3285 7412
Wednesday to Friday: 10am to 3pm
Saturday: 10am to 2pm
Sunday October-March: 9am to 2pm
Sunday April-September: 10am to 3pm
General admission free
Wheelchair accessible
Free parking
Museum shop
School tours available

The Pine Rivers Heritage Museums maintains a collection focusing on the social history of the region. One of the highlights is our Object Theatre, a 15 minute multimedia presentation that explores the history of Pine Rivers through the eyes of original settler Ted Foreman and his great-great-great granddaughter Ellie. This supplements our main collections which recreate life over the last 200 years through displays of objects used in the past.