Yeppoon RSL Military Museum

Yeppoon RSL Military Museum

Located in the RSL Hall at the corner of Normanby and Hill Streets, the Yeppoon RSL Military Museum first opened to the public in 1978. The inaugural Curator was Bob Barton after whom The Bob Barton Memorial Museum was named.

15 Normanby Street, Yeppoon QLD 4703, Australia
+61 07 4939 4933
Tuesday and Wednesday, 11am - 3pm, or by appointment for research.
Gold coin donation
Disabled access, off-street parking.

Memorabilia relates mostly to twentieth century Australian military history in general, especially as it has affected the Capricorn region and its people. The Museum received its first donation in 1947 when local resident, Miss Barry, donated her uncle's Crimean War medals and sword. The DFC of Squadron Leader Eric Jarman is on display in a dedicated display case, along with the log book of his Lancaster bomber's last flight over Germany.