Carnamah Historical Society Museum

Carnamah Historical Society Museum

The Carnamah Historical Society established a Museum at 10 Macpherson Street, Carnamah in 1992. Carnamah is a town and farming district 300 kilometres north of Perth in Western Australia.

You can check us out online - click the "Visit Website" link to the right or go to

10 Macpherson Street, Carnamah WA 6517, Australia
+61 08 99511575
The yard of the Museum can be visited at any time and the Museum itself is open Friday afternoons from 1:30 to 5:00, or by request.
General admission free

The Museum building is filled with old household artefacts and items, documents and photos relating to Carnamah’s past residents, businesses, buildings and organisations. The large Museum yard and its display sheds are an array of farm machinery, tools and implements from years past.