West Coast Library Training

How to get the most from your Job!

West Coast Library Training has been developed to meet the demand for continuing professional learning opportunities for Library Staff. Courses are designed for Library Officers, Library Technicians, Librarians, Teacher Librarians, Volunteers and those interested in gaining employment in a school library.

+61 08 9409 4426
+61 08 9409 4427
By appointment only
General admission free
Course information with online booking at www.WestCoastLibraryTraining.com.au
Some of the courses may require previous experience or for other courses to be completed first.
Please view full details under each course on our website for specific requirements.

Quick Book Repairs:

How do I repair this book? Where do I begin?

Hands on demonstration for quick and easy book repairs.


Storytelling can be a daunting experience for the storyteller. Do your nerves get the better of you? Want to enhance your skills? Then this is the course for You!

Colour Your Library:

A series of workshbops looking at effective use of colour in the library, with an emphasis on display techniques.

Improve Floor Space and Flexibility in the Library:

Cost effective way to freshen up an established library layout.

Focus and Direction for New Books:

This training is designed for all Library Officers, or those who are purchasing new books for the school or young readers.

Navigating, Evaluating and Using Online Support

If only I had some support. I feel so isolated in this job. Is this you?

This course is designed to give Library Officers in schools and young readers, at all levels and years of experience an opportunity to explore ths vast and extremely helpful website.

There are more courses and more information available on our website at www.westcoastlibrarytraining.com.au