Quilt No.1099ND - Nancy Dunlap

Nancy Dunlap
WA Country
Margaret Doran
Made in
1921 - 1940
Grandmother's flower garden pattern. All cottons with plain centres to 'flowers' then row of prints and outer row of plains. One hexagon flower has been repaired. Scalloped edges bound with yellow. Hand quilting around the hexagons. The backing is cream cotton and the padding is thin cotton. 2140 x 1780mm.
The quilt was made by Margaret Doran in Illinois USA in the 1930s. It then passed to her grand-daughter Rosanne Wold and is now owned by Nancy Dunlap whose husband Keith is the great grandson of the maker.

Nancy Dunlap with the quilt.
Related Quilts:
Frame quilt with the centre frame featuring stars. These are English pieced and then appliqued on to the background using straight stitch on the machine. Borders are squares, rectangles and truangles. Mainly cottons. There is no padding. The backing is an old white bedspread similar to a Marcella.
1900 x 1930mm
1900 x 1930mm
Cotton quilt , octagons of printed floral joined with squares of printed and plain. Yellow floral border. Cotton backing with very intrictae pattern in machine stitching.
2540 x 2490mm
2540 x 2490mm
Quilt in frame style patchwork with applique and broderie Perse applique in printed cottons and linens with silk embroidery. The centre frame has an octagonal shape of floral printed material appliqued on to cream linen surrounded by pieced and appliqued triangles and sashing of printed cotton. Above the frame is embroidered in dull gold silk in cross stitch 'Mary Moxey 1818 Emma Tremlett Born Decr 16th 1837'. Outer borders are pieced and appliqued diamonds and hexagons separated by printed sashing. The quilt is backed with cream linen.
2405 x 2373mm
2405 x 2373mm
Machine sewn reversible quilt. Side 1 is rectangles of men's suiting samples in mainly grey, navy and black, stripes and self patterns. Side 2 is men's suiting samples but also includes woollen rectangular pieces in plain blue and deep pink. There is a hand sewn binding of fine orange-brown wool. The padding is hessian and cotton.
1460 x 1100mm
1460 x 1100mm
Patchwork quilt in the Tumbling Block pattern in light and dark silks in bright colours. On both sides and at the bottom is a wide border in Tumbling Blocks, the pattern vertical at the sides and forming a triangle centre bottom, with an edge on both sides of two black bands with pieced diamonds between. Made for a poster bed. Hand sewn.
1790 x 1750mm
1790 x 1750mm
The quilt's construction is cotton patches about 170mm square joined in strips and then the strips joined. The border and backing are pale lemon coloured cotton lawn. The padding is an old woollen blanket. There is ric-rac braid around the border of the top.
2180 x 1420mm
2180 x 1420mm