Quilt No.909MT - Marlene Toomey

Marlene Toomey
Marlene Toomey
QLD North
Frederick Lawford
Made in
1921 - 1940
Kangaroo skin rug featuring skins cut in diamond shapes. It is stitched with heavy cotton and the seams are oversewn. It is not backed. 1825 x 1290mm

Frederick Roy Lawford shot the roos, skinned them, tanned the skins and made the rug in Goulburn NSW in 1928. It was owned by his wife Marjorie Annie Lawford and is now owned by his daughter Marlene Toomey. It is still used.


"My father, Roderick Roy Lawford made this rug in approximately 1928. Dad culled the kangaroos from one of the properties he leased in the Goulburn district. We all lived on our own farm in North Goulburn N.S.W., opposite the famous Goulburn Prison. As well as farming our property and those he leased, Dad worked full time at the Baxter's Shoe factory as a tanner.
Dad skinned the kangaroos and tanned the hides himself and then cut the pelts out��..He then stitched them by hand, using thick cotton thread and oversewing the seams.
The quilt was often used to keep his five children warm in the bitter cold winters. I have memories of my mother placing it over my knees as I sat in front of the fire (especially when I was sick). If Mum placed it with the fur side out, I would turn it over as I loved to feel the fur against my skin.
The rug is now an integral part of my own home and I am sure that my children (all grown up now) have treasured memories of the special warmth this rug gives. I am currently using it to snuggle my grandchildren in when they visit in the cooler months. It is better than any heater you can buy, as it is not only warm in itself, it provides a topic of conversation and the special warmth of family love."
[Marlene Toomey May 2000]

Roy Lawford is 5th from left. 1934
Roy Lawford is 5th from left. 1934

Related Quilts:

Western Australian Museum
Kangaroo skin cloak of seven gores is made from the skins of seven grey kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus). The skins vary in size and shape, the inner five are roughly triangular. The cloak is edged with a series of loops, through one of these near the collar is a piece of cloth which appears to have tied the cloak together. The skins are sewn together with two sorts of linen or cotton thread. In a small diamond-shaped gusset at the back of the neck there are some stitches of sinew. The skins are sewn together by means of a small hem which was turned back on to the fur, so stitches went through two layers of skin on each gore. There are some small holes in the skins. The skins are very soft and pliable, and greyish in colour; they vary in size and shape. Longest part: 800mm Ref: MA Thesis 1973, S.Meagher 'A Reconstruction of the Traditional Life of the Aborigines of the S.W. of Western Australia.
South Australian Museum
Skin rug of kangaroo or wallaby skins. Rectangular pieces stitched together.
Marlene Toomey
Kangaroo skin rug featuring skins cut in diamond shapes. It is stitched with heavy cotton and the seams are oversewn. It is not backed. 1825 x 1290mm
N.S.W. Parks and Wildlife Service
Kangaroo skin rug made from 450 x 270mm pieces overstitched together. The backing is a wholecloth plaid in red brought to the front and machine stitched to form a 60mm binding. 1660 x 1400mm
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
Small possum skin rug with the centre area greyish skins and 2 narrow borders of reddish brown and dark brown pelts. The skins are hand sewn with white thread. The backing is woollen material, light brown with dark brown woven stripe. 1380 x 1040mm
Jan Gaudron
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