Bega Valley Historical Society inc.
The Pioneers' Museum is situated in an old hotel, built in 1858-9, with many rooms and outside exhibition areas containing every aspect of early Bega - industries, clothing, military, machinery, transport, household effect, as well as family histories.
87 Bega Street, Bega NSW 2551, Australia
+61 02 6492 1453
+61 02 6492 1453
Mon, Weds, Fri 10am - 4pm
Adults $5.00
Children $1.00
Family $10.00
School children 50c
Bus Tours $2.00
Wheelchair access, street parking (2 hr limit), shop, guided tour if requested with a brochure of the museum highlights.
A collection of over 200 framed photographs of pioneers is the largest in the NSW. The building itself is classified and worth looking at. A horse-drawn ambulance in the backyard, built in Bega, was converted into a Hawkers van and supplied goods to out-lying families. A large collection of local militaria from the Boer War, WW1 & WW2. A very enthusiastic family history collection on local connections.