Coffs Harbour Regional Museum

The aim of the Coffs Harbour Regional Museum is to reflect the social and cultural history of the Coffs Harbour Region with a primary, but not exclusive emphasis, on developing collections and exhibitions reflecting relationships between the region's residents and the area's maritime and hinterland waterways.
215A Harbour Dr, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450
+61 2 66525794
Fax: +61 2 66525794
The museum was flooded on March 31sr, 2009. Due to contamination and insurance issues, the museum is unable to return to the building. However, the museum is stillworking, from an industrial storage facility. The collection is our main focus with emphasis on digitising, re-accessioning, scanning photographs and documents and keeping the museum functioning in all capacities with the exception of being open to the public. We are also holding small exhibitions in a local shopping centre in an empty space. This enables us to keep some of our collection on display for the public to see and appreciate.
Our objects cover a wide range of social and industry objects. The timber industry played a vital role in the development of Coffs Harbour region. The optic from the lighthouse remains our stand out object and is a static display. The optic is still in the museum building and not accessible to the public at the moment. Regular checks and maintenance are carried out.