Collections Australia Network

Collections Australia Network (CAN) is the Australian online cultural heritage and collections gateway to over 1,500 collecting institutions and their collections. CAN is jointly funded by the Australian Government and the State and Territory Governments through the Cultural Ministers Council.
CAN has been developed specifically to meet the needs of professionals and volunteers working in small and medium collecting institutions.
500 Harris Street, Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia
+61 02 9217 0347
+61 02 9217 0616
By appointment only
General admission free
CAN provides online public search access, professional development resources and links to the Australian collections sector. This includes: hosted web pages for all CAN Partners, a searchable collections record database, promotional opportunities, sector specific resources, networking and communication tools, and email discussion lists. All of these are available on the CAN website, through the navigation menu on the left hand side of this page.
CAN's service are available online, free of charge to both Partners and public. CAN Partners are not-for profit, publicly accessible collections.
CAN's service are available online, free of charge to both Partners and public. CAN Partners are not-for profit, publicly accessible collections.
CAN does not have its own collection, however CAN hosts and maintains an online searchable collections database which contains over 500,000 records from over 90 CAN Partners.