Harry Daly Museum, Australian Society of Anaesthetists

Harry Daly Museum, Australian Society of Anaesthetists

The Harry Daly Museum is devoted to the preservation, documentation and interpretation of the history of anaesthetic practice. Our exhibits and open storage drawers explore the fascinating history of this important medical specialty, from the first successful medical anaesthetic administration in 1846 through the myriad technological developments that followed. Highlighting uniquely Australian advancements and the innovative individuals who helped shape modern anaesthesia, the Museum aims to encourage interest in the local and global history of anaesthesia.

Suite 603, 180 Ocean Street, Edegecliff NSW 2027, Australia
+61 02 9327 4022
+61 02 9327 7666
Weekdays from 9am to 5pm
Casual visitors welcome
Please call to arrange group visits.
General admission free
Library and research area.
Guided tours available by appointment.
Wheelchair accessible.
Adjacent to Edgecliff station.
2 hour free parking available at Edgecliff station.

The Australian Society of Anaesthetists' collection includes 4,000+ objects in the Harry Daly Museum and 2,500+ items in the Richard Bailey Library. Both the museum and library focus on the history of anaesthesia, but include some historical items/objects from related fields.