Macquarie University Library Collections

There are approximately one million volumes housed in Macquarie University Library. These items include printed books, journals, newspapers, reports, conference proceedings, working papers, maps, Macquarie University postgraduate theses, computer software, multimedia, microfilm, microfiche, posters, toys, games and additional non-print resources.The bulk of these materials are located in the Library's main collection.

Macquarie University logo
Macquarie University logo

The Library has also acquired by purchase, donation and bequest a number of collections containing rare or unique items. Some of these collections are kept and housed as discrete, separate collections, others have provided the focus for concentrated collection development in specialised areas. Access to these collections is often restricted. The addition of items to the Rare Book Collection includes a number of titles purchased through the generosity of the Macquarie University Library Friends.

Items held in restricted access research collections must be read under supervision and they are not generally available for loan. All initial requests for consultation should made to the staff at the Information Desk .

Building C7A, Balaclava Road, North Ryde NSW 2109, Australia
+61 02 9850 7500
Monday–Thursday 8am to 10pm
Friday 8am to 6pm
Saturday–Sunday 9am to 5pm

To hear a recorded message of the current Library hours, telephone (02) 9850 7501
General admission free

* Audiovisual

* Australian

* Brunner

* Brunner Digital Collection

* Closed Access

* Constellations of Children’s Art

* Curriculum

* Digital Thesis

* East Asia

* Map

* Palaeontology

* Rare Book

* Reading the Family Album

* Reserve

* Serials

* Stack

* Thesis

* The Lachlan Macquarie Room, a complete reconstruction of the original ground floor parlour room of Macquarie's house on the Isle of Mull, Scotland.