Manly Art Gallery and Museum

Established in 1930, the Gallery & Museum houses an art collection which was started in 1924. The building was significantly enlarged in 1982, with the addition of the Museum section. The Gallery section presents temporary exhibitions that explores our cultural landscape. The Museum section focuses on early beach fashions, surfcraft and historical photographs. The Gallery and Museum is also active in the preservation of Manly's unique and colourful history.
Current exhibitions:
'Future Function' is an exhibition featuring twenty-eight ceramic artists, which explores the diversity of contemporary tableware. Presented by the Potters’ Society of Australia (until 23 February 2003); 'Jacques Charoux : Una es omnia - One is all' - This exhibition of prints investigates the physicality, spirituality and history of ‘le coco de mer’ (until 23 February 2003); and 'Jazz, Dags and Gigs @ Manly' - an exhibition celebrating 25 years of the Manly International Jazz Festival (until 16 March 2003)
Goobi Bowl