National Pioneer Women's Hall of Fame

Molly Clark of Old Andado Station founded Australia's National Pioneer Women's Hall of Fame in 1993. It is a national project dedicated to preserving the place of women in history and their special contribution to Australia's heritage. The National Pioneer Women's Hall of Fame is currently building up a collection of stories, photographs, artifacts and memorabilia relating to pioneering women, as well as a reference library of books, video and audio cassettes relating to Australian women's history. We are intending to put our databases online in the near future including our HerStory Archive, which now amounts to around 600 women.
Old Courthouse 27 Hartley Street, Alice Springs, NT
Daily 10.00am - 5.00pm. Closed mid December and January.
Adults $2.20, Children Free
Membership program, online store
The museum contains several permanent exhibitions "Ordinary Women Extraordinary Lives: Women First in their Field" featuring over 100 photographs of Australian women who were pioneers in over a dozen, largely male-dominated professions; "Women at the Heart" which tells the story of the pioneering women of Central Australia who helped develop the area from the 1870s. "The Patchwork of Empowerment" - a unique Signature Quilt created locally between 2000-2003 containing 343 signatures of Australian women who were first in their field. There is also an additional display of items connected with traditional "Women's Work": laundering, cooking, cleaning equipment as well as craft work.