Quilt No.175BHS - Bright & District Historical Society
Patchwork quilt made from hexagon patches in cottons. No filling or padding. Backing is of green cotton.
2050 x 1600mm
2050 x 1600mm
Made by Mrs Rene Raynor at Porepunkah, near Bright (VIC), between 1917 and 1920. Donated to the Bright & District Historical Society.
Notes from telephone conversation with Gwyneth Millar of the Bright Historical Society:
"The quilt was made by Mrs Rene Raynor who was a teacher at the Porepunkah school between 1917 and 1920. Her husband George was a farmer and blacksmith. The quilt is hexagons of ordinary cotton material. There is no padding and the backing is pale green sheeting or similar. The Raynor family is no longer in the district �
The Historical Society started when the Railway finished about 1972 and Gwyneth believes the quilt was donated then. Some years ago it was repaired by Ruby Pollard of Ballarat."
Related Quilts:
Frame quilt in cottons with a centre motif of pieced 8 point star surrounded by borders, 2 from red/white material printed to represent Tumbling Block patchwork. The remaining borders are, one plain, one of pieced squares, one of pieced large triangles with squares in the corner. The outer border is plain. The padding is wool and the backing is cream cotton. It is elaborately quilted.
2400 x 2260mm
2400 x 2260mm
Large and small pieces, mainly rectangles and mainly cottons, machine sewn. One side has replacement materials in red check, brown, tan, blue and pink materials. The padding is an old woollen blanket.
1950 x 1327mm
1950 x 1327mm
Wholecloth quilt originally covered with cretonne and recovered with orange satin. Machine quilted. Padding of wool.
1270 x 1160mm
1270 x 1160mm
Large hexagon rosettes in a variety of plain colours. 6 form a flower and each hexagon has a contrasting colour for the centre. Machined smaller hexagons give a ruffled effect. Colours of flowers include teal, burnt orange, pink, lime and mauve. The material is nylon and the backing is a single piece of pink bubble nylon. The padding is a single piece of calico.
2050 x 1530mm
2050 x 1530mm
Double sided quilt. One side is frame with borders of wool rectangles mainly offcuts of men's suiting from tailors' shops. The other side is mainly flannelette in stripes and patterns similar to pyjama material. The padding is pieced patches of worn jumpers that were too matted to be unpicked. Machine construction.
1700 x 1490mm
1700 x 1490mm
The top of this quilt is 6 x 5 alternating squares and rectangles of check woollen material in 12 or more colour ways. Herringbone stitch in yellow stranded cotton is worked along each join and border.The border is plain grey wool. There is no padding and the backing is light blue crepe.
1118 x 814mm
1118 x 814mm