Calthorpes' House

Calthorpes' House

Calthorpe's House was designed by the Melbourne architects Oakley and Parkes and built in 1927. The house still contains most of its original furniture, furnishings, household appliances, its orginal decorative finishes and many of the Calthorpes' families clothes. In addition the collection includes paper records including invoices realting the construction and fitting out of the house. Calthorpes' House is regarded as Australia's most intact 1920s suburban house.

24 Mugga Way, Red Hill ACT 2604, Australia
+61 02 62951945
Fax: +61 02 62079120
Tuesday to Friday, 11am to 3pm
Saturday and Sundays, 1pm to 4pm
afternoon tea available
school programs available

1920s furniture, textiles, domestic equipment, ephemera