Sketches of pioneers of different cultural backgroundsl
Old Timers Traeger Museum

Located in the grounds of the Old Timers Village the Museum is half way between Alice Springs CBD and the airport. Old Timers began in the early 1950's as part of Rev Dr John Flynn's dream of, "a mantle of safety" for people of the inland, a place where they could retire in comfort and receive medical attention. Today it consists of nursing home, hostel, independent living units, day therapy centre and Museum.
It was the dream of another man in the 1960's that saw the Museum created. Then manager of Old Timers, John Blakeman, concerned that the history of Central Australia was disappearing began collecting items of data connected with the exploration, opening up to settlement and the people of the "Centre". He opened it to the public in 1966, naming it in honour of radio pioneer and inventor of the pedal radio, Alfred Traeger. Since that time the collection has continued to grow with donations of items from the community. Old Timers Traeger Museum is run entirely by volunteers, most of whom are elderly residents of the village with first hand knowledge of the region.
Drawings and prints
Sketches - Pioneer Men of Central Australia

Camel equipment

Equipment used by the cameleers when supplies were carried from Maree to Alice Springs by Camel trains, many of the men were from afghanistan, prior to the first train this was the main form of transport.
Blacksmiths Forge

Bellows attached
Steam machinery
Portable engine for pumping water

Australian agents Clarke and Fawset, Brisbane. Used on Lake Nash Station, NT Queensland Border, till the late 1930's.
Motor vehicle
John Flynn's Buckboard, replica

Part of back removable to adapt car for use as an ambulance or carrying loads, such as timber. Replica assembled over many years by reverend Clive Morey, Broadview South Australia and delivered to the museum in 1978.