University of Adelaide - Waite Insect & Nematode Collection
The Waite Insect and Nematode Collection (WINC) is housed at the Waite Campus of Adelaide University.
* Collection loans to scientific organisations
* Insect, Mite and Nematode identification
* Provision of an Image database
The combined collection contains in excess of 500,000 insect and other arthropod specimens that are dry mounted, in spirit, or on slides. It is extensively used by staff and postgraduate students to undertake identifications and as a source of biological and distributional information. A significant number of paratype specimens are held, but all holotypes are lodged in the National Collection in Canberra (ANIC). Notable holdings of particular importance to taxonomic research include collections of larvae and other immature stages of groups injurious to plants, acridid grasshoppers and scarabaeid beetles. In addition there are significant collections of Acarina, Araneae, Thysanoptera, Homoptera (chiefly Psylloidea and Coccoidea), Lepidoptera and parasitic Hymenoptera.
The collection also houses the largest collection of plant, soil and entomophilic nematodes in Australia, and is currently the largest world collection of endemic Australian plant and soil nematodes. It contains approximately 25,000 glass slides with nematodes mounted in glycerol, as well as 300 vials of unsorted fixed material. As well as valuable reference material, the collection is an important resource for studies of biodiversity and distribution of nematodes, including materials from collection sites around Australia from both agricultural and natural habitats. The mounted nematodes comprise an older plant parasitic component, to which have been added large numbers of dorylaimid, mononchid and entomophilic nematodes. The collection is a basic resource essential for all nematological research work: it contains voucher material from numerous field workers including plant breeders, for diagnostic work and quarantine, as well as some type material.