Believed to be one of only two still existing worldwide. Restored in 1983 after barrel discovered on farm property being used as door stop. Regularly used for blank firings.
Fort Glanville
Fort Glanville is the most complete example of a 19th century coastal artillery fort in Australia, retaining its original guns and comprising gun emplacements, magazines, guard room, barracks, gunners mess, officer's quarters and more. Manned by volunteer members of the Fort Glanville Historical Association who provide a unique living history interpretive display of military drill, including cannon and carbine firing. Cannons include; 2 x 10", 2 x 64lbs, 1 x 21b, 1 x 161b.
2pdr Muzzle Loading. Fired on monthly open day.

16pdr Muzzle Loading. Fired on monthly open day.

Eight Cannon of this type originally purchased by South Australia for use by SA Volunteer Artillery
10" Muzzle Loading

Two Examples on site, one restored. Carriages of both examples cut up for scrap in 1937. Carriage of restored example built 1997
64pdr Muzzle Loading, 2 off. Fired on monthly open day.

Both cannon in fireable condition. One example complete except for sights. Thought to be last remaining examples in the world with siege carriages.