Queensland Museum South Bank

Dinosaurs, dung beetles, fire engines, artefacts, hands-on science, fascinating exhibitions, big animals - always something to do and see.

Insects from the collection
Insects from the collection

Queensland Museum South Bank is one of Brisbane's most popular spots.

Cnr Grey and Melbourne Sts, South Brisbane QLD 4101, Australia
+61 07 3840 7555
+61 07 3846 1918
9.30am - 5pm daily

Closed Christmas Day and Good Friday.
Open Anzac Day from 1.30pm.
General admission free
ENERGEX Playasaurus Place
Level 0

This new space, developed in partnership with ENERGEX, features our much loved life-sized dinosaurs and a colourful exploration of the story of energy.

Level 1
Hands-on, Minds-on FUN!

The Sciencentre offers hours of interactive, science-based fun for kids of all ages (including the 'big kids'!) in a premium location. There are no 'visitors' at the Sciencentre - everyone is a 'participant'. This place is a one hundred percent hands-on experience!

Inquiry Centre
Level 3
Do you have a question about an animal or object? Ask an expert in the Inquiry Centre. YOu can also email questions to inquirycentre@qm.qld.gov.au or phone us on (07) 3840 7555

Museum Explorer Shop
Level 2
A treasure trove of museum-based novelties, toys, activity kits, books, fossils and more. Great gift ideas
Open 9.30am - 4.45pm

Museum Courtyard Cafe
Level 2
Open 9.30am - 3.30pm (week days), 4.30pm Weekends and Holidays.

Always welcome
Bookings essential, phone (07) 3840 7608 or visit www.southbank.qm.qld.gov.au

Museum Car Park
Pay on entry. For more details phone (07) 3840 7203

Dinosaurs, dung beetles, fire engines, artefacts, hands-on science, fascinating exhibitions, big animals - always something to do and see.