Berrima Court House Museum

In 1841 Berrima Court House was the site of the first trial by jury in Australia. The museum focuses on Australia's colonial history. The discovery of the district by explorers and the reasons for settlement of the region are depicted on a multi-projector, wide-screen audio visual presentation. Highlights of infamous trials that took place at Berrima Court house are also depicted on the audio visual display. Visitors can explore the Court House building which includes the imposing judge's chambers and grand jury room.
Corner Wilshire & Argyle Streets, Berrima, NSW
Monday - Sunday 10:00am - 4:00pm
Adult $5.00, Child $3.00, Concession $3.00
The grand jury room has displays of early corporal punishment devices and letters from those who were about to be executed. A thought provoking time line is set up in the grand jury room. The grand hall of justice features life-like figures in full period dress. Also included on the tour are a number of displays focusing on the law and lawyers.