Used by national broadcasting service (A.B.C Radio). Especially in short wave transmitters.
Telstra Museum

This museum contains a comprehensive collection of telecommunications equipment dating from the late 1880s to the present. This includes displays relevant to telephones, switchboards (telephone exchange and business), Morse code, and teleprinters (Telex machines). Under each of these categories we have working examples which visitors are welcome to operate if they so desire, and all our guides have expertise in this equipment dating back to their working days. In fact the experience of these guides between them covers just about all aspects of PMG/Telecom/Telstra and Australia Post operations since the early 1940s.
Water Cooled Radio, Transmitter Valve
STC Water Cooled Triode

Multiplex Machine Telegraph
Murray Multiplex

PABX Switching Unit
Forty line SE50 - step by step switching unit

Typical step by step equipment as used in public exchanges as well as business. We have 12 telephones connected to this unit, all working. This is one of 8 working switchboards or exchanges we have
Creed 7B

This service led to the introduction of the Telex service which provided first manual, later automatic switching, of telegraph. This machine can be connected to other Telex machines for demonstrations.
Telephone Handset
Magneto Table Telephone Handset

Previously all telephones were wall mounted with microphone fixed to it. User had to stand to use phone