Central Queensland Military and Artefacts Museum Ass. Inc.
Rockhampton is the only city in Queensland that has had an uninterrupted military presence of a 'regional' Troop since 1859. Our aretfacts and militaria traces this history through the display of uniforms from that time until now along with transport displays and displays of insignia..
156 Bolsover Street, Rockhampton QLD 4700, Australia
+61 07 4921 0648
Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm, Saturday & Sunday 10am - 3pm
See also another site at http://cqmm.tripod.com
See also another site at http://cqmm.tripod.com
Adults $5.00, Pensioner Consession $4.00 Children under 12 $2.00. Family 2 adults + 2 children or more $12.00
Wheelchair access to main collection, shop, reference library, guided tours, education programs for regional schools, brochure.
Because we cater for 'local' memorabilia, our displays often have a deep emotional impact on our visitors. We have attempted to cover all conflicts that local troops have been involved in since Queensland's Statehood in 1859. Not only do we have a listing army connection but the Naval Brigade on the Central Queensland coast dates back to 1863.