Fire Brigades Historical Society Queensland Inc

Fire Brigades Historical Society Queensland Inc

The Fire Brigades Historical Society Qld Inc begun in the early 1980's by a small dedicated group of fire fighters, after an enormous amount of time and effort the museum started, originally know as North Pine Country Markets now the museum operates in the renamed YMCA Old Petrie Town.

Embracing all services the museum has amassed an impressive collection over the years, displays include rural, industrial and military with the main aim being the Queensland fire services history.

Dayboro, Kurwongbah QLD 4503, Australia
+61 419 700225
8am to 12 noon SUNDAYS , all other times by appointment
Gold Coin
Wheel chair access, markets on site every Sunday, food & drinks available as well as local arts and crafts, parking on site, buses in area, kids face painting and rides on site.

A collection of 14 vehicles on display, ranging from pumps to aerial appliances, Dennis, Mack, Wheeled Escape, Turn Table Ladders as well as historical documents dating back to 1900's