the Balance was owned by the Nount Morgan Gold Mining Co. (1886-1927). Then by Mount Morgan Ltd. The Balance was used to weigh the Gold Bullion produced by the mines gold recovery plants from 1886-1912. Mount Morgan presented the balance to our museum.
Mount Morgan Historical Museum Inc
![Mount Morgan Historical Museum Inc Mount Morgan Historical Museum Inc](
The collection is housed in a large, vinyl-clad building, erected in 1895 is of good appearance. The floor area is partitioned off into alcoves, each displaying memorabilia of a similar nature eg. Mining alcoves, Kitchen alcove etc. Further memorabilia is housed in the museum yard. There is ample parking adjacent to museum.
Ore Specimens
Ore Specimens
The 'Oxidised Outcrop' of the Mount morgan Ore body contained 'gold' only. The 'pyritic zone' of the ore body beneath the Gossan conatined copper and silver as well as gold. The Ore body was exhausted by the end of 1981 so these ore specimens cannot be replaced.
The Steam operated hooter was designed by the engineering staff of the Mount Morgan Golding Co. Ltd and cast in the company's foundry in 1919. It operated at 175lbs per square inch and was connected to a boiler in the company's Power House. The history of the hooter is attached.
Bar of Copper
Blister Copper Bar
It is the last bar of Copper produced by Mount Morgan Ltd. Smelter and was poured on the 7-7 1984. The Molten copper was poured into moulds. On cooling, gasses escape, giving the surface a blistered appearance. Hence the name "blister copper". Bar weighs 634.5 kg - contains 99.5% copper.
Motor Vehicle
Owned by the local undertaker who later had a grill added. Eventually replaced with a later model vehicle in 1960.