Juandah Heritage Society Inc

The Juandah Heritage Society Inc was established in the late 1990s to preserve and display the history of Wandoan and District from the time of Leichhardt's exploration.

Juandah Heritage Society Inc
Juandah Heritage Society Inc

It also seeks to promote Wandoan and encourage tourism, and to encourage development and increase employment to attract families into the District as well as keeping the families already living here.

Attract Services into the District.

It operates a 12 acre site at Thorn Hill.

41 Royd Street, Wandoan QLD 4419, Australia
+61 7 46274182
By appointment only
The Intent of Juandah Heritage Society Inc:
1997-Purchased the original Juandah Site which is an area of 12 acres being a small portion of the first settlement in the Wandoan District which was established prior to but registered in 1853. The original Storeroom and Meathouse were still standing. Set about conserving and restoring this precious Heritage which was opened to the Public with big celebrations in 2001 - Centenary of Federation.
1998 - Opened a Wandoan Information Centre to encourage tourism and promote our District. This was staffed by volunteers. Produce brochures and information maps on Wandoan and surrounding Dist.
2002 - Employed a Community Development Officer and an Assistant who work from the Information Centre but assist any individual or organization
with any project they may have. Our organization supplies all Office Equipment. Funding to maintain this service to the Community has become very difficult to find.