Museum Resource Centre, North Queensland (Queensland Museum)

Museum Resource Centre, North Queensland (Queensland Museum)

The Museum Resource Centre Network is a partnership between the Queensland Museum, Queensland Government, Local Councils and community museums and Indigenous Keeping Places

The objectives of the MRCN are:

* To produce a thematic map of cultural heritage collections in Queensland

* To identify significant collections or parts there-of that tell local stories, are regional resources or state treasures

* To assist community volunteers to preserve, interpret and display these collections for the benefit of local communities and visitors.

There are six regional MRCN centres, all of which are staffed by professional Museum Development Officers:

*Far North Queensland

*North Queensland


*Central Queensland

*Sunshine Coast; and

*Southern Inland Queensland

70-102 Flinders Street, Townsville QLD 4812, Australia
+61 07 47260619
Fax: +61 07 4721093
Monday - Friday - 9am - 5pm