Rosewood Railway Museum

Rosewood Railway Museum

The Rosewood Railway Museum is an operating museum dedicated to the preservation of the rolling stock, equipment and operational practices (where safety considerations permit) of the old Queensland Government Railways. It operates on a re-built branch line featuring steep grades and sharp curves typical of the early QGR. Restored, steam age locomotives, carriages and rail motors travelling at sedate speeds re-create the atmosphere of railways from a by-gone era. It permits the younger generation to experience "old time" railways and provides a nostalgia trip for those who can remember the "steam age". Several examples of first generation diesel locomotives illustrate railway equipment in the late steam ear. The museum showcases Queensland technology dating back over 110 years as the majority of the equipment and exhibits were built locally. Additional track will open on 19 August 2001 and a pair of 2000 Class railcars will operate on this section.

Freeman Road, Kunkala QLD 4001, Australia
+61 3 3252 1759
Museum open every other Sunday (9am-4pm)Trains operate last Sunday of the month 10am-4pm, Other times by appointment.
Museum: Adult $2.00, Children $1.00. Train rides: Adults $7.00, Children $3.50. Engine driver for a day $175.00.
Refreshments, souvenir sales, guided tours for groups, brochure available, mid-week charters, toilets (not wheelchair accessible), picnic tables, small relics museum, diesel cab rides available on operating days, steam engine "driver for a day" course operates monthly ($150).

Over 3km of track, 70 plus items of rolling stock, buildings, signals and small equipment. Former Queensland Railways rolling stock, buildings, safe working equipment, restored steam locomotive PB15 class No 738 (1926), C17 No 720 (1923) under restoration; vintage railmotors RM55 (1930) RM64 (1938) RM1815 (1952), diesel mechanical DL3 (1960); diesel electric locos 1179 (1957), 1604 (1962); 6 restored timber carriages (1900-1950); 30 goods wagons including the only remaining examples of: cattle/drovers van, sheep wagon, wooden coal hopper, the first mechanical track tamper in Queensland; former timber station buildings from Brisbane suburban area; station awning; large workshop containing historic steam age equipment; rail-based 16t capacity diesel crane; 5t hand crane (1880); working electric staff system and semaphore signals.