Quilt No.1041JJ - June Johnson

June Johnson
June Johnson
WA Perth
Sarah Hodge
Made in
WALES Newport
1851 - 1880
Hand sewn cotton cot quilt with pattern of red and white lozenge shaped hexagons measuring approximately 65mm from top to bottom. A centre flower is constructed from 2 circles of 19 hexagons in red and white. This is surrounded by 8 smaller hexagon flowers. Additional single red hexagons are scattered at random on the white background around the rows of flowers. The quilt is not quilted or tied but is attached at all 4 edges. Writing on the back of the quilt (probably added later) reads "Made by Sarah Hodge, Newport, Wales UK for her first child John." There is no padding and the...

The quilt was made by Sarah Hodge (born Simms) in Newport, Wales GB in 1865 for the birth of her first child John; It then passed to her daughter Fanny Bynon (born Hodge) and then to Fanny's daughter, Edna Ley (born Bynon) when her first child was born in 1941. Edna Ley died in 1996 and the quilt passed to June Johnson, great grand daughter of the maker. It is not used but displayed on special occasions such as Christmas.


Sarah Simms (later Hodge) was born in Bampton, North Devon UK and moved to Newport when she married. Her husband worked either in mines or in chemical works. She had 6 children and made the quilt for her first born, John. She died in 1934 in Wales.
The quilt was brought to Western Australia in 1956 when the family moved from Wales to Perth for better weather and a better life style for the children.

Sarah Hodge, Wales.
Sarah Hodge, Wales.

Related Quilts:

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Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery
Unfinished patchwork top made from hexagon patches in the 'Grandmother's Flower Garden' pattern, in glazed and unglazed cottons and some twill fabrics. 7 patches for flowers with white and some cream patches forming paths. All fabrics are patterned and date from c.1825-1840, including pieces of toile de jouy, stripes and florals. Colours are predominantly reds and blues with some green, brown, purple; one flower is in chrome yellow, 8 flowers are in turkey red indicating probably the latest fabric. The quilt is hand sewn and the papers are in tact in most patches.
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Historical Society of Cockburn
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Pauline Munro
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