Quilt No.549JL - June Loewenthal

June Loewenthal
June Loewenthal
NSW Sydney
Made in
1941 - 1970
Hand made cotton quilt in repeat block with appliqued Iris pattern. It is a kit quilt. "The Iris, Design "R" of the 'Mountain Mist Series' of Quilt Patterns" from The Stearns & Foster Company, Lockland, Cincinnati, Ohio. Copyright 1930. The backing is cotton and the filling also.
2439 x 1981mm

The maker is unknown but is said to have been a Scandinavian woman. The present owner purchased the quilt at Tinker Tailor, a shop in the Sydney suburb of Pymble, in the 1950s. It was used as a bedspread at Roberton Park, Kirkham Road, Glengarry NSW an early stone house. It is now used sometimes in the owner's Sydney home.


June Loewenthal recognised the pattern in a magazine many years after she had purchased the quilt. She then sent to America for it.
The pattern gives detailed instructions and figures for the block in actual size.
"The charm of this beautiful and unusual Iris Quilt lies in the natural treatment of the design. The finished quilt is a veritable garden of bloom in actual Iris colous!"
"MOUNTAIN MIST PATTERNS are obtainable only with the purchase of Mountain Mist Quilting Cotton. One pattern, (no choice of design), is furnished free with each bat purchased, and also a coupon good for one other pattern at a very low price."
[Extracts from "The Iris, Design 'R' of the "Mountain Mist Series' of Quilt Patterns"]

Related Quilts:

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2380 x 2320mm
Virginia Solomon
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1728 x 1321mm
Powerhouse Museum
"A tied patchwork wagga quilt made from swatches of men's wool suiting fabrics in blue/grey and pink/brown tonings. Rectangular swatches have been cut in half diagonally, and the resulting right-angled triangles paired to form larger equilateral triangles which alternate dark with light across the field. The quilt has been machine and hand pieced, then machined in vertical stripes.
The centre field is bounded by two strip-pieced borders at top and bottom, and three down each side. These are sewn from rectangles, using light pink/brown tones for the inner border and darker colours for the outer borders. The quilt is padded and backed and the side seams are secured with black herringbone stitch. The three layers are tied together invisibly with lazy daisy stitches in black cotton from the back." [PHM] The padding is a wool blanket and the backing is two pieces of cream twill cotton.
2030 x 1440mm
Elsie Shephard
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1540 x 1150 mm.