Quilt No.576JT - Jillian Towers

Jillian Towers
Jillian Towers
VIC Melbourne
Delores Taylor and Elsie Towers
Made in
1921 - 1940
Hand pieced patchwork quilt with 10 diamonds consisting of hexagons with white and black rows as edging. Materials include furnishing and dress materials and a type of linen. It is not quilted or tied. The backing is a small floral print in flannelette.
2180 x 1830mm

The hexagon diamonds were hand pieced by Delores (Babs) Taylor in England during WW11. The black and white hexagons and the backing were added by Elsie Towers, the present owner's mother, in Australia in 1982. It is not used now.


Babs Taylor migrated to Australia from England after the war. She died in the late 1970s.

Babs Taylor is in the centre
Babs Taylor is in the centre

Related Quilts:

National Musuem of Australia
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1610 x 1610mm
Elizabeth Williams
Cotton quilt of plain and patterned hexagons, 6 joined to make a flower. The flowers are arranged in rows with single motifs filling the spaces. Hand sewn. The backing is heavy red cotton material. There is no padding.
2490 x 1803mm
Una Braby
Frame quilt pieced from square, rectangular and triangular pieces from plain and patterned cotton. The central motif of the rooster is appliqued in red cotton on white background with a border of red triangles. There is a white cotton backing.
2000 x 1925mm
Western Australian Quilters' Association
Quilt made from furnishing materials, mostly velour type or uncut moquette. The colours are dusty pinks and beige/camel/blue. It has been put together by making wide strips of various sized rectangles sewn together and any missing piece in a rectangle added by using another piece of material to complete the shape. There is no padding and the backing is winter cotton.
2000 x 1650mm
N.S.W. Parks and Wildlife Service
Large double sided quilt of rectangles and squares of men's suitings, patterned and plain on both sides. The top has a central motif of a circle of three segmented rings radiating from a single hexagon. The outer ring is all tailors' samples and the inner rings are a variety of materials. There is some featherstitching in red. The quilt is sparsley machine quilted.
Jan Tregoweth
Square patchwork quilt made from rectangles of woollen tailors' samples, each patch outlined with machine fancy stitch using red thread. Machine sewn. The backing is a green and white check fabric. No filling.