The National Motor Museum is a Museum of the History Trust of South Australia.The National Motor Museum has the largest collection of motor vehicles of any Museum in the Southern hemisphere. The collection is comprised of cars, trucks,...
Built by Thomas White in 1841, White House displays a fine collection of 17th and 18th century oak furniture, china, icons, paintings, prints, pewter and copper. The outbuildings house early bicycles, horse drawn vehicles, vintage cars and a special display of toys and miniature furnishings. Refreshments are available from a restored bakery with a wood fired oven.Approximately 250 items in the house, plus 20 vehicles, 15 bicycles and a large toy collection in outbuildings. The variety of collections on display at White House provide something of interest to most people including children. The...
Motor Museum featuring vehicles, stationary engines, motorcycles, signs, models, trams, tractor, a fully set up workshop, photographic and general motoring memorabilia. Extensive range of veteran, vintage and classic cars and trucks. Working exhibit - showing the internal workings of an early model Holden 6 cylinder engineEstimated 30 plus vehicles and other items which exceed 600
1906 Road Board Building
1930 Road Board Building
Mining Industry of Collie
The Irwin District Historical Society have another museum located at Russ...