Old Dubbo Gaol

Constructed in the 1870's The Old Dubbo Gaol served as a penal institution until 1966. Fully restored to its original condition, the gaol was re-opened as an historic and educational tourist attraction in 1974. The Gaol is home to Australia's 3rd largest collection of taking/animated models which give a realistic and fascinating insight into prison life. The gaol boasts a large display of historical artefacts including an original set of gallows and a full hangman's kit.

9am to 5pm daily (, closed Good Friday and Christmas Day
Adults $6, pensioner/ senior citizens/ university and TAFE students $5/ children (kindergarten - yr 12) $3; under school age free.
One level - wheelchair friendly, disabled toilet, school project sheets and brochures available, cool drinks on sale, self guided tours (map supplied)
Original gallows - freestanding in Gaol yard. Full Hangman's kit (believed to be only one of two in existence in Australia and the only one on public display). All buildings in gaol are original, most date to late 1800's and have been faithfully restored. Numerous documents (some original) and prison records dating back to late 1800's. Numerous items of prison equipment


Hangman's Kit

Hangman's Kit

Hangman's Kit
Not Known
12 ropes of varying lengths, each with a leather sheathed noose passing through a large brass eye at the end of rope; ankle straps; weight for stretching ropes; block & tackle for raising trap door; metal trunk.
Early 1900's

Received from Darlinghurst Gaol in Sydney believed to be the only full hangman's kit on public display in Australia. Also believed to be one of only two full hangman's kits in Australia.

Gallows - wooden

Gallows - freestanding outdoors

Gallows - freestanding outdoors
NSW Dept of public works
Constructed of Cypress Pine with a hardwood hanging beam, the gallows are about 16ft high with a base 12 ft x 9ft.

Eight men were executed on the gallows between 1877 and 1904. When not in use, the gallows were disassembled and stored underneath the nearby Court House.

Portable Wooden Cell

NSW Dept of Public Works
About 3250mm sq; walls about 2900 mm high. Hardwood walls & floor with an iron roof.

The cell was received from Pilliga Police Station in 1995. It has little modifications made to it. The cell is a good example of its type which was used at remote small town/villages in the early 1900's.


Prison Cells

NSW Dept of Public Works
Padded x 1, Solitary x2, Condemned x 1. Solitary confinement cells:15 cm of soil in ceiling to muffle external sounds, 2 doors to provide a light trap, hinged solid shutter on highlight window opening. Padded cell: with padded leather panels. Condemned cell: with internal grill wall.