Quilt No.471FN - Flora Noyce

Flora Noyce
Flora Noyce
VIC Northern
Made in
1901 - 1920
Hand worked wholecloth Chinese quilt. Background is cream with a central motif of a dragon embroidered in various shades of orange. The border has floral and leaf decoration at each corner joined by a stem interspersed with leaves, berries and butterflies. The border is dull gold satin finished cotton with a fine gold braid machined on. The backing is fine brown cotton.
1730 x 1700mm

Thought to have been acquired in China by the grandfather of Flora Noyce the present owner in about 1916 when he was on a visit there. When he died c.1935 Flora's mother, Elsie Weir, had the quilt until her death in 1974 when it passed to Flora. It is not used now and was rarely on a bed after the early 1940s.

Related Quilts:

Yvonne Hamdorf
Wholecloth pram quilt with a top of pink cotton sateen, and the reverse is a more finely woven, ivory, fabric. All over quilting design as main feature, with stylised hearts, leaves and cross hatching. The padding is cotton batting. 870 x 660 mm.
John Tomkin
Hand stitched, cotton, appliquéd, quilt in a flower pattern on a plain background. Colours are shades of green, apricot and browns. This quilt was known as a 'Bride's Quilt'. Padding is thought to be layers of white fabric raised almost like a wadding. The backing is cotton material. 2470 x 2020 mm.
Melinda Smith
Wholecloth cover in synthetic rayon. Centre plain, drop slightly gathered, edging border is large saw tooth appliqued pieces in flannelette, striped seersucker, crepe de chine. Materials typical of the 30s through to the 50s. The appliqued triangles are chain stitched in yellow thread which also anchors them to the backing.
2450 x 1940mm
Romsey/Lancefield & Districts Historical Society
Wholecloth quilt made of royal blue satin, squares around a central panel. Seam lines are covered with a faggoting stitch. All names are embroidered in satin stitch, the central motif is hand painted. The border is quilted with a repeat scroll ing pattern in hellow thread, and edges are trimmed with a fringe of small pom-poms in burgundy, gold, blue and yellow, the colours mixed in each pom-pom. Quilt is backed with yellow satin cotton. Centre has embroidered: "Lancefield/ Presbyterian/ Sale of Gifts/ February, 1896'.
1880 x 1330mm
Kereake Wray
Wholecloth Greek quilt. "The fabric is a beautiful silk satin with a formal pattern of soft yellows and pinks on a turquoise background. Surrounding this is a 40cm wide border also of silk satin (cerise coloured). The quilt is machine pieced but hand quilted. The method of quilting is very interesting. A thick cream twist has been used and at first glance it seems that the quilt is tied as there are long pairs of stitches with gaps of about 4cm between them. However, either a long needle was used to make a pair of stitches OR each side may have been quilted separately with the needle only going half way into the wadding which is about 2 cms thick." [Kereake Wray] The padding is kapok approx 2 cm thick and the backing is deep coral pink satin. 2200 x 1960 mm.
Maria Kirke
Wholecloth quilt made from deep pink satin. The quilting pattern is a centre circle with a stylised flower surrounded by crescent shapes. This is set in a square and there is a fan design in each corner. Parallel lines create a border. There is a frill on all sides of the quilt. The padding is raw cotton.
2000 x 1770 mm