Quilt No.569DA - Daphne Akehurst

Quilt in a wide variety of patterned and plain hexagons in cotton with a wide green border. There is no padding and the backing is cotton.
2500 x 2200mm
2500 x 2200mm
The quilt was made by Nellie Jackson in Temora and Ungarie NSW in the 1940s. It is now owned by her niece Daphne Akehurst. It is still used.

Nellie Jackson c.1990
Related Quilts:
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1780 x 1530mm
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2400 x 2260mm
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2120 x 1720mm
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920 x 920mm
920 x 920mm
Pieced repeat block, in what the owner calls 'Our Village Green' pattern. Wide variety of patterned and plain materials. Finely quilted. Padding is cotton and the backing is white calico. 2180 x 1890 mm.