Quilt No.477LC - Mrs. L. M. Chick

Mrs. L. M. Chick
Mrs. L. M. Chick
VIC North East
Doreen Vincent
Made in
1921 - 1940
Hexagon quilt made by hand from a wide variety of cotton materials. There is no padding and the backing is calico.
2286 x 915mm

The quilt was made by Doreen Vincent in 1935 for her family. It is now owned by Mrs. L.M.Chick, her daughter.


"This quilt is a replica of quilts made each year by the Ladies Guild at Holy Trinity Cathedral Wangaratta. Each member sewing together by hand a block 8 inches wide. Each separate piece hand sewn, and tacked, and hemmed over a six sided piece of heavy brown paper, joined around a centre piece and at the meetings put in a big box to be finally joined up. My Mother Doreen Vincent, each year had the job to join up all the collection up on the kitchen table and tack them all on to a quilt size length of washed calico. Machine all around edges and across. Then when finished the quilt was donated to one of the Church's Homes. Needless to say later in her life decided to make one for our family (Doreen Vincent) this is the one in the photo. This quilt is her own personal work, bringing us all many very happy memories when we look at it now. I can age memories of lots of my old dresses, many of my mothers too, lots of bits and pieces from many things and family membres, aunties, cousins aaaand even my Grandmother. How all our family love it." [L.M.Chick 27.11.1998]

Related Quilts:

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