Quilt No.205BJ - Bev Johnston

Bev Johnston
Bev Johnston
VIC Northern
Charlotte Gambold
Made in
1921 - 1940
Patchwork quilt made from squares and rectangles of pink, blue and white fabric set with a frame of pink and white print around a centre rectangle made of 4 pink triangles. Four corner squares of blue and white stripes, Many squares are pieced from smaller scraps. The Material is a crepe type, possibly used for underwear. Handsewn and machined. Backing is made from cotton scraps, possibly lawn or similar. Padding is flanellete or similar. Edges are bound in a striped material. Quilt shows signs of wear.
620mm x 520mm

Made by Charlotte Gambold, in Wangaratta, probably in the late 1930s. Used as a cot or pram blanket by Mrs Elizabeth Bennett (Charlotte's neice by marriage), and given to the current owner Margaret Wright by her grandmother Elizabeth Bennett. It is not known whether the quilt was given to, or bought by Mrs Bennett.


"Charlotte Gambold was born in 1850 and died in 1951 at the age of 93 years [sic]. She belonged to a family of twelve children � The family eventually settled in Everton on a property called 'Hill View'. Charlotte did not marry and retired to Wangaratta in 1939 with her brother Isaac and sister Emily. They lived in Docker Street in a house between Grey Street and Green Street (the house no longer exists).
Charlotte was part of the community of Everton, in particular involved with the Methodist Church where she taught Sunday School for over sixty years, walking three miles to Church each week.
It is believed Charlotte made quilts to sell to supplement the family's income, particularly after retirement as there was no Aged Pensions. In the past many family members slept under her quilts bought from her.
Charlotte died in June 1951 and is buried int eh Wangaratta Cemetery, with her brother Isaac who had died four years previously.
[Bev Johnston 8.10.97]

Charlotte Gambold
Charlotte Gambold

Related Quilts:

Margery Smith
Patchwork quilt made from hexagons 63mm across in a variety of cotton prints and plains. The bright coloured patches came from children's clothes and dressmaking scraps. The 'set included a large cot cover, a pillow cover and a circular stool cover. No padding. Backing of unbleached calico. Hand sewn.
2300 x 1840mm
National Gallery of Australia
" Reversible patchwork quilt of woollen suiting in grey, blue, navy, maroon and brown. The fabrics appear to be new tailor's sample pieces (the sizing is still present on the fabric, signifying it has never been washed). The patches are rectangular and vary in size. Both sides have different designs. The front of the quilt has 4 rows of 12 vertical rectangles then below this are 4 rows of 7 horizontal rectangles followed below by 4 rows of 11 vertical rectangles. The reverse of the quilt has a section at the top and bottom composed of 5 rows of 9 horizontal rectangles. The central area is made up of a centre section of 6 rows of 5 vertical rectangles; flanked on either side by a column of 10 horizontal rectangles and two columns of 8 smaller vertical rectangles.
The patchwork layers are joined at the edges with machine stitching. The patchwork layers and padding are machine quilted on the front down 2 vertical lines following joins in the patchwork; therefore not being totally straight. The lines are more noticeable on the reverse as the 2 sides do not match. The front face is displayed at the NGA.
Between the patchwork layers is a striped cotton blanket in black, sky blue, white and cream." [NGA]
2082 x 1386mm
Mare Carter
Patchwork quilt, all cotton including cotton filling. "Wedding Ring" pattern in variety of materials in plains and patterned, many pinks and blues.
Hand sewn and hand quilted.
2236 x 1804mm
Pam Clifford
Large squares, alternate brown check and blue check, of men's dressing gown material. "Everyone's father had one in 40s and 50s". [Pam Clifford]. No padding. Backing is smaller random shapes of men's grey suiting material. Machine construction. There is no quilting.
2236 x 1550mm
Fiona Gavens
Hexagon quilt constructed over papers; all seams oversewn with featherstitch embroidery. Materials are vyella and clydella scraps from childhood dresses of the maker's first four children, augmented with scraps from a dressmaker and a book of samples. There is no padding; backing is plain, pale blue, brushed cotton.
2200 x 1720 mm.
Catherine Ringwood
The top of this quilt is 6 x 5 alternating squares and rectangles of check woollen material in 12 or more colour ways. Herringbone stitch in yellow stranded cotton is worked along each join and border.The border is plain grey wool. There is no padding and the backing is light blue crepe.
1118 x 814mm