The Eryldene Trust

Eryldene is a charming house and garden situated in the heart of Ku-ring-gai on Sydney's North Shore. The Georgian Revival style house was designed by distinguished Australian Architect William Hardy Wilson in 1913 for Professor E.G. Waterhouse and his wife Janet and named after her family home in Kilmarnock, Scotland. Both the house and the garden are protected by a permanent conservation order issued by the NSW Heritage Council in 1979. It is recognised as the finest example of Hardy Wilson's work.
Prof. Waterhouse, a world authority on camellias, designed the unique garden renowned for its landscape design and camellia collection. Linking the house and the garden is an Eastern philosophy evident in the trees and shrubs, the oriental tea-house, moongate, gilded flag poles, ceramic drums, water bowls and porcelain figures. Oriental art and artefacts in the house and garden date from the Northern Wei period (AD 386-535) and are mixed with more contemporary art works.
Eryldrene is owned and cared for the Eryldene Trust which was established in 1979 as an independent non-profit company to preserve, restore and maintain the house and garden. The Trust relies mainly on donations and proceeds from functions and inspections organized by the voluntary group, The friends of Erydene, for the upkeep of the house and garden.
Oriental Tea House
