This Q150 sponsored exhibition presents the history in stories of the Redlands from its early settlement to the current day.
Redland Museum

The Museum records the social history of South East Queensland since European settlement. Cleveland was one of the earliest settled areas and for a hundred years was a thriving farming community specialising in fruit and vegetables for the Brisbane area. The Museum presents a range of topics across a total display space of over 1300m2. Travelling exhibitions, community displays and in-house short term exhibitions frequent the temporary space of 74m2.
60 Smith Street, Cleveland, QLD
Monday - Friday 11.00am - 3.00pm, Saturday 1.00pm - 3.00pm, Sunday 11.00am - 4.00pm, Public Holidays 1.00am - 4.00pm excluding Anzac Day, Christmas Day and Good Friday.
Adults $3.30, Concession $2.20, Children $1.10
Wheelchair access, shop, parking, lecture room, toilets.
Horse drawn vehicles, farming machinery, textiles and costumes, household equipment, maritime history, WWI & II memorabilia, medical and pharmaceutical equipment, blacksmith shop and equipment, all relevant or representive of the history of the Redlands, 40 minutes east of Brisbane on Moreton Bay.
- Social History Museum
- Photographs
- Furniture
- Glass
- Jewellery
- Pottery and Ceramics
- Textiles, Spinning and Weaving
- Domestic Items
- EducationAndSchools
- Historic People
- Local Government
- Local History
- Maritime and Naval History
- Medals and Badges
- Migration
- Militaria
- Rural Life
- Weapons Arms and Armor
- Agriculture
- Bicycles
- Clocks
- Clothing, Fashion, Costume
- Communications
- Horse Drawn Transport
- Medicine and Health
- Motor Vehicles
- Photography
- Railways or Tramways
- Steam Machinery
- Tools
- Dolls
- Film Sound and Video
- Music
- Toys and Games
Volunteer Defence Corps Cairn

Volunteer Defence Corps
The Volunteer Defence Corps (VDC) was established in Australia during World War II to provide a Home Guard against possible invasion. It comprised men who, for various reasons, did not join the regular forces, but were prepared for action in rural areas. The VDC in the Redlands area comprised mainly farmers who were exempt from military service owing to the important role they played in food production.
The cairn in the grounds beside the rear entrance to the museum commemorates the construction of the Cleveland Rifle Range by volunteers of (E) Coy 4th Battalion VDC (Q). The construction was a considerable undertaking, all of the scrub clearing being done manually with the members using their own horses to assist. Here in the Redlands we are justly proud of the effort of the members of E Coy who toiled with axes and cross cut saws and their farm horses to construct a rifle range that saw use by the AIF, VDC, and US Army stationed here. The memorial lists the members of the first firing detail, including Sir Leslie Orme Wilson, Governor of Queensland and Mr Charles Robins, a local farmer and carpenter, and member of the VDC. His son, also Charles, died at Sandakan during World War II.
At the official opening on 30 October 1943 a shooting match was arranged between a VDC member, an American serviceman, and Corporal Wal Rice RAE, representing the AIF. Corporal Rice was a member of 42 Australian Landing Craft Company, first based at Victoria Point. Corporal Rice beat the American by one point, but in the interests of diplomacy the officials declared the match a tie.
In 1981 the Redland Museum Foundation applied to the Council for approval to move the VDC cairn from the rifle range, and to re-erect it outside the museum. The Redlands Apex Club made the dismantling of the cairn and moving it to the museum their project. The site for the cairn outside the museum was decided upon and a flagpole, which had stood outside the VDC headquarters in Wynnum, was acquired for positioning on the cairn. The highlight of the year was the re-dedication of the VDC cairn. This was held on September 11th, 1983 with the Shire Council giving valued assistance. They supplied and served afternoon tea to the guests who attended the ceremony. Brigadier P.R Phillips M.C. Commander of the 1st Military District officiated at the ceremony and unveiled the memorial stone. Mrs Morton, widow of Captain Doug Morton, local Commander of the VDC, raised the flag. Scouts, guides and naval cadets formed a guard of honour. The 1st Military District Band, the Highland Band and the Redlands RSL Band entertained the guests, as did the Scottish dancers.
While this cairn does not record the names of the any service persons killed in action, it has become a memorial to servicemen who were trained to fight in defence of Australia. The museum has been unsuccessful in its attempt to ascertain if there are any other memorials to the contribution made to the war effort by the members of the Volunteer Defence Corps elsewhere in Australia.
The cairn in the grounds beside the rear entrance to the museum commemorates the construction of the Cleveland Rifle Range by volunteers of (E) Coy 4th Battalion VDC (Q). The construction was a considerable undertaking, all of the scrub clearing being done manually with the members using their own horses to assist. Here in the Redlands we are justly proud of the effort of the members of E Coy who toiled with axes and cross cut saws and their farm horses to construct a rifle range that saw use by the AIF, VDC, and US Army stationed here. The memorial lists the members of the first firing detail, including Sir Leslie Orme Wilson, Governor of Queensland and Mr Charles Robins, a local farmer and carpenter, and member of the VDC. His son, also Charles, died at Sandakan during World War II.
At the official opening on 30 October 1943 a shooting match was arranged between a VDC member, an American serviceman, and Corporal Wal Rice RAE, representing the AIF. Corporal Rice was a member of 42 Australian Landing Craft Company, first based at Victoria Point. Corporal Rice beat the American by one point, but in the interests of diplomacy the officials declared the match a tie.
In 1981 the Redland Museum Foundation applied to the Council for approval to move the VDC cairn from the rifle range, and to re-erect it outside the museum. The Redlands Apex Club made the dismantling of the cairn and moving it to the museum their project. The site for the cairn outside the museum was decided upon and a flagpole, which had stood outside the VDC headquarters in Wynnum, was acquired for positioning on the cairn. The highlight of the year was the re-dedication of the VDC cairn. This was held on September 11th, 1983 with the Shire Council giving valued assistance. They supplied and served afternoon tea to the guests who attended the ceremony. Brigadier P.R Phillips M.C. Commander of the 1st Military District officiated at the ceremony and unveiled the memorial stone. Mrs Morton, widow of Captain Doug Morton, local Commander of the VDC, raised the flag. Scouts, guides and naval cadets formed a guard of honour. The 1st Military District Band, the Highland Band and the Redlands RSL Band entertained the guests, as did the Scottish dancers.
While this cairn does not record the names of the any service persons killed in action, it has become a memorial to servicemen who were trained to fight in defence of Australia. The museum has been unsuccessful in its attempt to ascertain if there are any other memorials to the contribution made to the war effort by the members of the Volunteer Defence Corps elsewhere in Australia.
1934 - 1982 (in service)
Item Id Number:
Rail Motor
RM 74 "The Gulflander"

Ipswich Railway Workshops
Exterior: Elongated box shaped vehicle, steel passenger compartment painted maroon with cream stripe (external). Four single and two double doors with chrome handles. Three chrome hand rails each side. Roof is canvas on wood, painted white. Steel platform luggage rack on roof, with steel guardrails - painted black. Wooden running boards (two) each side. Originally manufactured with AEC 100HP petrol motor, re-engined in 1942 to Gardiner 102HP diesel. Two exterior rear running lights and headlamps. Rear door from luggage/goods area - to connect with towed carriage. Two sets of steel bogies, front set having four steel wheels and rear two only. Wheels on steel springs and dampers. Fuel tank under passenger compartment. Battery case under goods compartment. Silver painted radiator on front of motor. Coupling links and hoses front and rear. 24 glass windows in wooden frames.
Interior: Driver’s seat and lever control. Wood cover over engine compartment. Driver’s seat, four double and two single seats - steel frame, black upholstery. Interior painted light green with white ceiling. Rear compartment separated by wooden partition, toilet compartment (incomplete) and door. Wood slats on steel floor and two sets of three shelves for goods. Fitted seven interior lights.
In 1930 the RM70 (rail motor) was used on the Brisbane to Cleveland line. This railmotor was the sister of RM74. In 1985 Queensland Railways donated RM74 to the Redland Museum because it was made in the same batch as RM70. Queensland Railways considered the estimate for restoration to be too high, however the Redland Museum was able to restore the railmotor with grant assistance from the Bicentennial Authority. Restoration was completed in 1988. Built in 1934, the railmotor served on the Ethridge Line in North Queensland. It was fitted with wagon buffing and draw gear and standard air brakes for hauling wagons. However RM74 was best known for its service on the Normanton-Croydon line as the -Gulflander.- The railmotor worked that line from 1964 to 1982. RM74 was typical of the last batch of railmotor’s in service before streamlined cars with rounded joints were introduced.
Interior: Driver’s seat and lever control. Wood cover over engine compartment. Driver’s seat, four double and two single seats - steel frame, black upholstery. Interior painted light green with white ceiling. Rear compartment separated by wooden partition, toilet compartment (incomplete) and door. Wood slats on steel floor and two sets of three shelves for goods. Fitted seven interior lights.
In 1930 the RM70 (rail motor) was used on the Brisbane to Cleveland line. This railmotor was the sister of RM74. In 1985 Queensland Railways donated RM74 to the Redland Museum because it was made in the same batch as RM70. Queensland Railways considered the estimate for restoration to be too high, however the Redland Museum was able to restore the railmotor with grant assistance from the Bicentennial Authority. Restoration was completed in 1988. Built in 1934, the railmotor served on the Ethridge Line in North Queensland. It was fitted with wagon buffing and draw gear and standard air brakes for hauling wagons. However RM74 was best known for its service on the Normanton-Croydon line as the -Gulflander.- The railmotor worked that line from 1964 to 1982. RM74 was typical of the last batch of railmotor’s in service before streamlined cars with rounded joints were introduced.
1934 - 1982
Item Id Number:
Ethridge, Normanton, Croydon, Cleveland, Ipswich, Queensland
Steam engine

Garrett and Co, Ipswich, England
Metal cylinder - hollow, painted black and green, containing water pipes. Steel hinged door on front (circular) and round top, square firebox on other end. Firebox has oval fire door (hinged) opening onto combustion chamber - steel fire bars. Firebox fixed together, and to cylinder, by heavy rivets. Brass controls fitted to fire box - pressure gauge with glass dial. Steam whistle operated by chain and wooden handle and two brass taps. Brass drain valve under firebox. Steel ash pan fitted under box. Two large spoked steel wheels (painted red) on central axle passing through top of box. Brake and pads (wood) on steel brackets and connecting rod. Steel and threaded rod control front wheels smaller painted red, steel, on round turntable, fixed to cylinder by bracket. Single cylinder mounted on top of firebox, with piston and rod in red painted open steel cylinder. Rod connected to crank (with brass lubrication fitting) large steel flywheel at one end of crank rod and steel pressed metal wheel at other. Crankshaft held on two steel brackets fixed to main cylinder. Crank also has steel rod on excentric wheel - rod connected to brass steam control system. On top of cylinder head is emergency steam valve and governor (two steel rotating balls) - connected to crank shaft by pulley. Shut and open control - steel lever mounted on front of cylinder head. Long cylindrical chimney hinged to front on main cylinder.
Used as a power source on farms in Queensland. Original owner was Werrabone Station. In 1933 it was owned by Arthur Salter, Brucedale Station, Roma. In 1955 Harold Salter sold it to Clayton Thrupp. Engine is still operated. The inspection plate was added after Graham Chapman restored the engine. Regular safety inspections are carried out to allow the engine to be used.
Used as a power source on farms in Queensland. Original owner was Werrabone Station. In 1933 it was owned by Arthur Salter, Brucedale Station, Roma. In 1955 Harold Salter sold it to Clayton Thrupp. Engine is still operated. The inspection plate was added after Graham Chapman restored the engine. Regular safety inspections are carried out to allow the engine to be used.
1900 - still operating
Item Id Number:
Werrabong Station, Brucedale Station, Roma, Queensland
Horse-drawn coach
Cobb and Co Coach
Cobb and Co
Square wooden box body with half open sides and one door each side four canvas blinds each side let down on leather straps to protect passengers from rain. Inside, two fixed and one moveable back bench seats upholstered in maroon. On front of coach a box forms the seat for driver and guard upholstered dark brown. American hickory wheels, steel treads, spoked, on wood axles and thorough braces (leather springs). Rear wheels larger and front wheels on central bolt for turning. Steel rail around top of coach for luggage and rail on each side of drivers bench. Hand brake – wooden shaft and steel rod, to wood roods and pads on rear wheels. Front of drivers box curves up to form footboard and rest. Fitted large central lamp over drivers box, metal with glass lens. Two side lamps (lit by candles) chrome metal and glass – fitted in sockets attached to coach. Canvas sheet on rear of coach and wood shelf leather straps. Also separate long wooden shaft that fixes onto front of coach and to which harness is attached. No restoration work was necessary after purchase by museum other than an application of ‘Danish Way’.
Cobb and Co coaches operated in Queensland between 1865 and 1924. The Redland Museum coach is quite early. Alex Hamilton, the last of the Chermside (Brisbane, Qld) family of coachbuilders worked on the wheels and said they were made of American hickory that was almost certainly imported. The underneath section of the coach, including the wheels, is original. The body section has at some time been rebuilt and is possibly the work of Queensland’s last coachbuilder, Colin Ferguson of Toowoomba. The coach was purchased by the museum with funds provided by the 1988 Bicentennial Fund. This coach was used in 1988 as part of a project being coordinated by Noel and Elaine Lindley. They received a Bicentennial endorsement to conduct a Cobb & Co coach run from Melbourne to Cairns during the bicentennial year. During their time in Cleveland Redland Museum’s Cobb & Co coach joined them at the shire boundary to run into Cleveland together. The Lindley’s supplied the team of horses and the necessary harness. Noel Lindley expressed the opinion that Redland Museum’s Cobb & Co coach was probably the most genuine Cobb & Co coach in Australia today. The current President of the Redland Museum Inc is the great grandson of Hiram Barnes who brought the Cobb and Co coaches to Queensland in 1865.
Cobb and Co coaches operated in Queensland between 1865 and 1924. The Redland Museum coach is quite early. Alex Hamilton, the last of the Chermside (Brisbane, Qld) family of coachbuilders worked on the wheels and said they were made of American hickory that was almost certainly imported. The underneath section of the coach, including the wheels, is original. The body section has at some time been rebuilt and is possibly the work of Queensland’s last coachbuilder, Colin Ferguson of Toowoomba. The coach was purchased by the museum with funds provided by the 1988 Bicentennial Fund. This coach was used in 1988 as part of a project being coordinated by Noel and Elaine Lindley. They received a Bicentennial endorsement to conduct a Cobb & Co coach run from Melbourne to Cairns during the bicentennial year. During their time in Cleveland Redland Museum’s Cobb & Co coach joined them at the shire boundary to run into Cleveland together. The Lindley’s supplied the team of horses and the necessary harness. Noel Lindley expressed the opinion that Redland Museum’s Cobb & Co coach was probably the most genuine Cobb & Co coach in Australia today. The current President of the Redland Museum Inc is the great grandson of Hiram Barnes who brought the Cobb and Co coaches to Queensland in 1865.
1900 - 1960
Item Id Number:
Brisbane, Toowoomba, Redlands, Queensland
Horse Drawn Cart
Bakers Cart
G.W. Ramsey
Wooden box body, enclosed, mounted on four wheels. Front pivoting and rear fixed wood axles. Larger rear wheels on elliptical twin opposing spring fixed to underside of cart. Smaller front wheels fixed to wood axle with single twin opposing elliptical spring mounted centrally. Wheels are steel tyres on wooden rims and spokes, with steel bosses. Wood brake pads on rear wheels linked by steel rods to foot lever. Twin bent shafts for harnessing horse with single wood swingle bar. Body has pitched roof with two hinged lids and ventilation spaces in sides. Rear hinged door with brass handle and louvred slats. Lower hinged flap door at rear. Wood drivers seat and footboard. Painted brown and yellow with red wheels.
Owned by Mr G.J.Walter who owned Cleveland Bakery in Passage Street, Cleveland, opposite the Uniting Church. The Cleveland Bakery operated throughout the Redlands district and had many delivery carts. G.J.Walter was prominent member of the Cleveland Shire Council and was Chairman for a number of terms (thirteen years). GJ - as he was popularly known - was active in many of the local activities. He established the bakery in 1891 and his family, in the same location, continually operated it until its closure in the 1950s. This cart is designated Cart No.2 and was driven by Mr Stan Albrecht for a period of approximately thirty years.
Owned by Mr G.J.Walter who owned Cleveland Bakery in Passage Street, Cleveland, opposite the Uniting Church. The Cleveland Bakery operated throughout the Redlands district and had many delivery carts. G.J.Walter was prominent member of the Cleveland Shire Council and was Chairman for a number of terms (thirteen years). GJ - as he was popularly known - was active in many of the local activities. He established the bakery in 1891 and his family, in the same location, continually operated it until its closure in the 1950s. This cart is designated Cart No.2 and was driven by Mr Stan Albrecht for a period of approximately thirty years.
Item Id Number:
Cleveland, Queensland