Quilt No.294WS - Wendy Springbett

Wendy Springbett
Wendy Springbett
Emily Mckay
Made in
1921 - 1940
Patchwork quilt made from alternate squares of light green and medium green cotton headcloth. The light green squares are hand embroidered with Australian native birds, the medium green squares are decorated with pulled thread designs. No padding. Backing and binding of medium green headcloth. Made from patterns published in The Adelaide Chronicle.
2650 x 1573mm

Made by Mrs Emily McKay of Semaphore Pt (SA) in 1934. Owned by her youngest daughter, Mrs Shirley Cocking, now owned by Shirley's niece Mrs Wendy Springbett. Emily's quilt won first prize in the Adelaide Royal Show.


"I think she made a second quilt (the one featuring noted places of the world). It was raffled during the war in aid of Red Cross and was won by a relative on her husband's side of the family. �"
[Wendy Springbett]
The patterns for the quilt were published in The Adelaide Chronicle, a weekly newspaper in South Australia, in 1934. They were also reprinted in the Weekly Times, a Victorian weekly.

Emily McKay
Emily McKay

Related Quilts:

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Annette Gero
Frame quilt or coverlet with centre frame surrounded by floral printed panels. The centre is cotton chintz block printed material in madder colours. It is hand quilted.
2700 x 2700mm
Kay Bruce-Smith
Quilt top. The centre piece is appliqued with cross strips and triangles with 'Chester 4 �.' printed on a centre blue strip. The last letters are difficult to read. The borders are triangles, rectangles and squares in cottons (including dimity) and some chenilles.
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Eileen Dinning
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The Queensland Women's Historical Assoc.
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2439 x 1981mm
National Parks & Wildlife Service of SA
Patchwork quilt of hexagon patches (3.5cm sides approx), handsewn, in cotton fabrics in sprig prints, stripes, checks, florals and plains. Colours are pre-aniline dyes, in lavender, green, red, beige and purple. Centre of quilt is pastel colours with a central patch embroidered in red: 'Elsey Rowbotham her work May 1 1869'. Quilt has a wide border of squares and triangles.Padding is thin cotton. Backing is off white calico. Quilted in parallel lines.
2693 x 2490mm