The Simpson Trophy competition originated in 1890 as an annual rifle shooting match, fired by service members under service conditions. The trophy was provided by the Hon Alfred Mueller Simpson MLC who: "Having received from Her Majesty's Government by way of payment for his services as a member of the Legislative Council is desirous of appropriating the said sum to some useful public purpose". Is still being competed for.
Army Museum of South Australia

The museum is situated within Defence Centre - Adelaide's Keswick Barracks. The Barracks were established in 1912 when the Army moved from North Terrace, Adelaide, to a fringe parklands area at Keswick. The museum is housed in an original 1912 building near the Anzac Highway entrance gates and is accessible to the general public. It is tri-service, with a collection steadily growing to embrace all aspects of service life - army, navy, air force and women's services - from pre-Federation to the present day. The museum was opened on 30 September 1992.
Armed Services Rifle - Shooting Trophy
The Simpson Trohpy
Army hat badge
Hat badge: Australian Commonwealth Horse 1st Pattern 1902
This is the badge, issued in 1902, which is the precursor to today's famed general service badge, commonly known as the 'rising sun'. The original design came from a series of bayonets radiating out from the brass crown. It was the first design on issue to Australian Troops going to the Boer War post Federation.
Military tunic
Tunic from soldier's uniform especially tailored for men who comprised the Australian Army contingent to the coronation of King Edward VII.
Foundation Stone
Foundation Stone
When the family left their home, they took this stone with them; it passed to the Army Museum this year by the daughter. The house was built in the Adelaide suburb of Prospect.
Hand Gun (military)
Artillery Luger
Taken by officer of the 9th Light Horse Regiment AIF during operations in Palestine (World War I) from a German pilot whose aircraft had been forced down by accurate ground fire from the 9th Light Horse AIF (a South Australian unit).