Quilt No.999AB - Alison Barlow
Alison Barlow
Made in
1851 - 1880
Quilt in traditional design called 'Seven Sisters'. Seven stars, each of six diamonds are set against a cream background, surrounded by bright pink triangles. Hand pieced and hand quilted. Padding is cotton, and backing is cream calico. 2100 x 1850 mm.
Quilt maker not known; made in the USA in the 1870's. Later the quilt was stored in the Cranston Print Works Museum Library. Now owned by Alison Barlow.
"I won this quilt in a competition run by VIP fabrics in July 1990. The competition entailed making a twelve inch block using a floral range of fabrics by VIP Fabrics. This quilt was stored previously in the Cranston Printworks Museum Library.

Alison Barlow with quilt.
Related Quilts:
Quilt of over 6000 suffolk puffs (also called yo yos) in a mix of cotton and synthetic materials. The top is hand stitched on to a satin backing.
2413 x 1626mm
2413 x 1626mm
This unfinished cover has a centre frame of a simple block. There are alternating plain and patterned borders including sword tooth, flying geese and squares on point. It is hand pieced with plain and twill weave cottons, variety of stripes, checks, florals and plains. There is no backing.
1800 x 1800mm
1800 x 1800mm
Quilt with log cabin blocks forming centre rectangle with border of crazy patchwork, in silks and velvets, handsewn on to backing of blue, beige, white woven cotton. Log cabin blocks are in rich dark and light rows forming diagonal stripes. The crazy patchwork has edges decorated with yellow and cream feather stitch. Mostly plain materials with some checks and stripes. The quilt appears to have had the edges cut down. The outer border is a dark blue figured velvet. There is no padding and the backing is maroon silk with a woven yellow motif.
1655 x 1215mm
1655 x 1215mm
Yellow and white cotton Durham quilt with centre panel of patchwork blocks in counterchange design called 'Plate'. There is a wide yellow border and square white corner blocks. It is padded and there is a yellow backing. It is quilted all over following the patchwork pattern in the centre panel. Feather pattern border.
2120 x 1720mm
2120 x 1720mm
Small rectangular bed cover, probably child's or even doll's, made from rectangles of cream linen stitched together with hand sewn french seams. The top surface is decorated with small squares and rectangles of coloured silk, velvet, wool and cotton attached approximately 25mm apart, with 3 stitches in centre of patch to attach to background. Bright pink wool patches stand out.
935 x 635mm
935 x 635mm
Quilt based on 70mm block. Cottons and rayon's with some reused materials. Machine pieced, hand quilted. Backing is mid blue cotton brought over to the front and machined to form a binding. Padding is probably cotton.
2510 x 1850mm
2510 x 1850mm