Quilt No.379MR - Mary Robertson

Mary Robertson
Mary Robertson
NSW Riverina
Vida Myhill Taylor
Made in
The suffolk puffs are mainly cotton in a wide variety of colours and plain and patterned materials. The puffs are small squares rather than the more usual circles. The backing is teal satin hand stitched to the top. There is a teal bow at one end. There is no padding.
1570 x 1100mm

It was owned by Vida Myhill Taylor (maiden name unknown) and then, after her death, by her husband the Rev. Frederick Taylor. About 1984 the Rev. Taylor gave the quilt to Mary Robertson. It is thought to have been made in England. It is not used now.


Vida Myhill Taylor (maiden name unknown) came out from England and settled in Coolamon NSW. Quite late in life she married the Rev. Frederick Taylor. There were no children. Vida was known locally as a great seamstress and knitter. She died in the early 1980s.

Related Quilts:

Lyn Cottingham
Single bed quilt hand pieced from silk hexagons using the English method. The border, backing and central rosette of hexagons are black. All other hexagons are a mixture of plain colours, stripes and florals. They are randomly placed. It is quilted in a diamond pattern. The padding is a thin cotton woven material.
1550 x 1330mm
The Pioneer Women's Hut
Double sided patchwork quilt. Machined squares and rectangles joined in strips and then the strips joined. Wide variety of materials, mainly woollen from hand or machine knitted jumpers, many patched. All materials came from worn garments from family and friends of the maker. No padding.
1860 x 1410mm
Helen Jarmyn
Patchwork quilt made in the 'Trip Around the World' pattern, from cottons and some fine dress linen, in bright and pastel solids. Each colour is placed in a diamond shape on the quilt. Patches are 10cm square, quilt has 620 squares. The linen was mainly used to work the cross stitch. Quilt has a 2 inch border in black. Backing is sheeting. Each square is embroidered, with many different stitches, in geometric, floral, animal, insect and abstract designs, in different colours.
2760 x 2350mm
Mare Carter
Patchwork quilt made for a child. All cotton with cotton padding. White blocks have embroidery depicting different nursery rhymes eg Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary ; Old Mother Goose. These blocks are separated by rectangular strips of teal cotton. The quilt is hand stitched and heavily quilted.
1677 x 1271mm
Kristine Gray
Double sided square quilt. One side is a crocheted rug. The centre of this is 4 triangles joined and from this coloured bands in crochet radiate out to the border. The other side is randomly pieced scraps of mainly woollen material in checks, plains and tartans. Machine construction.
1600 x 1600mm
Ros Wight
One of a pair of patchwork quilts machine sewn from squares of cottons and silks in pinks, aquas and blues in plain and print materials. Both quilts are similar. The backing is white cotton. There is no padding.
2200 x 1500mm