Quilt No.58MC - Mare Carter

Quilt of alternate green and fawn squares (100mm) in knitted fabric, originally swatches of sample fabrics. Padding is a piece of old blanket. Backing is fawn flannelette, and the quilt is finished with a flannelette ruffle.
1423 x 1124mm
1423 x 1124mm
Made by Doris Carter during the 1960s in Melbourne VIC when she was chief designer for Holeproof. Known as 'the green rug' in the family. Owned by her daughter-in-law Mare Carter. It is still used 'when needed for guests'.
"The maker was a knitwear designer for Holeproof knitting mills and used up swatches of sample fabrics to make this rug which kept kids warm coming home at night in the car & also warmed family knees in winter in front of tele."[Mare Carter]
"An identical rug made by Mrs Doris Carter in blue & grey squares resides at Berry, NSW; it is used as described � & has kept warm Doris' grandson and great-grandchildren. It lives always in their car & is called 'Nana's Blue Rug'."[Mare Carter]
Related Quilts:
English pieced hexagonal star quilt in silks, velvets and satins. Commercially made fringe in cotton maroon twill. Some motifs have herringbone stitching around them. There is no padding and the backing is polished cotton twill. 1840 x 1660 mm
Quilt made from furnishing materials, mostly velour type or uncut moquette. The colours are dusty pinks and beige/camel/blue. It has been put together by making wide strips of various sized rectangles sewn together and any missing piece in a rectangle added by using another piece of material to complete the shape. There is no padding and the backing is winter cotton.
2000 x 1650mm
2000 x 1650mm
Large double sided quilt of rectangles and squares of men's suitings, patterned and plain on both sides. The top has a central motif of a circle of three segmented rings radiating from a single hexagon. The outer ring is all tailors' samples and the inner rings are a variety of materials. There is some featherstitching in red. The quilt is sparsley machine quilted.
Utility patchwork quilt made up of mainly squares of furnishing material machine pieced. It is backed with machine pieced patches of woollen jumpers, mainly machine not hand knitted. The back is possibly the top. There is no padding.
1950 x 1270mm
1950 x 1270mm
Patchwork quilt has three centre squares, one in blue/white/brown in a cross pattern, one in framed square, one with diagonal strips in a pink frame. The rest of the quilt is made from strips of rectangles in different sizes sewn in rows. There is a narrow pieced frame, then an outer border of pieced rectangles. Mostly pastel colours. No padding. Backing is calico. There is a little embroidery.
2160 x 1601mm
2160 x 1601mm
This utility quilt is mainly constructed from long strips of cotton seed sack material. It is machine pieced and quilted by hand in a diagonal pattern. There is a red border. The backing is cotton flannelette and the padding is cotton.
1601 x 1525mm
1601 x 1525mm