Quilt No.932NC - Mrs Noleen Caarthew

Mrs Noleen Caarthew
Mrs Noleen Caarthew
SA Adelaide
Emma Loder
Made in
1921 - 1940
Hand stitched quilt top in printed cotton with central frame of elongated diamond of orange/blue squares and triangles. Borders are mainly squares set on point, triangles, strips, pinwheels and log cabin.
2140 x 1850mm

The quilt top was made by Emma Jane Loder (born Lloyd) 1842 - 1938 between 1920 and 1930. Emma made many quilts in her lifetime. It has been passed down in the family and is now owned by Mrs. Noleen Carthew (born Beasley) great grand-daughter of the maker.


Emma was born in 1842 in SA and went to the Coolgardie gold fields with her daughter Mrs. N.C.Bottrill (born Loader) and their children (and a cocky and a galah) to join their husbands. They saw the New Year of 1896 in outside Bulla Bullin where the coach had broken down. They eventually arrived at Coolgardie and the women had to finish constructing the house they were to live in.
"My husband was working in the mine, but all the house he had for us to live in was some large sheets of iron leaning against a large log and the first thing I had to do was to cut some poasts and dig holes and put them in the ground, then cut corn sacks open and sew them together and nail them to the poast then put the iron on it for a roof and sewed more bags up and lined it inside too, then got some big cases from the store ' there was always plenty of cases to be got which the goods came up in' and made doors and window frames and put some micha 'from the micha mine which was about 3 or 4 miles away' and put micha in for glass, then I papered the inside with newspapers and whitewashed the outside, it was quite a smart house. I pugged the floors to make them hard and sewed bags together for carpets, then I started making the furniture, I made bedsteads, tables, sofas, chairs and cupboard all out of boxes and had a comfortable home. I got the storekeeper to get me a Metters stove then I found I had to put in some poast, a few feet from the house and nail nails on them to keep the horses and camels from breaking the house. I also made a garden and in the winter I had plenty nice vegetables, but the water was too dear and scarce in the summertime, it was then 1/- for a kerosene bucket full of condensed water, and only allowed to have one bucket a day, and if the thunder storm came up, we put everything that would hold water, around the house to catch the droppings from the roof, even the jam tins.
During my stay in Western Australia I made quite a number of different homes like that but as the trains got going on the fields and we could get iron cheaper, we made the walls of iron and boxes made into board floors and I built a brick chimney for my stove and lined the inside of the iron walls with oilcloth and had linoes on the floors (quite smart then)."
[Extract reminiscences of Emma Jane Loader 1938 courtesy Noleen Carthew and David Beasley Adelaide]

Emma Loader with her 3 daughters, Harriett, Violet, Matilda (Rt)
Emma Loader with her 3 daughters, Harriett, Violet, Matilda (Rt)

Related Quilts:

National Trust of Australia (QLD)
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2261mm x 1664mm
Western Australian Quilters' Association
Quilt made from furnishing materials, mostly velour type or uncut moquette. The colours are dusty pinks and beige/camel/blue. It has been put together by making wide strips of various sized rectangles sewn together and any missing piece in a rectangle added by using another piece of material to complete the shape. There is no padding and the backing is winter cotton.
2000 x 1650mm
La Dona Anick
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Evelyn McAlister
Quilt made from dressmaking materials in a design probably made up by the maker but resembling 'Courthouse Steps'. The outer border of each block is mitred. Originally it was reversible but during restoration the back was brought to the front, doubling the size of the quilt. The padding is old woollen materials. The backing is a new piece of floral material. It is now machine quilted.
1830 x 1220mm
N.S.W. Parks and Wildlife Service
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Janine and Eva Chick
Hexagon quilt, hand sewn, using a wide variety of patterned and plain cotton scraps left over from dressmaking. 6 hexagons are placed around a centre one. There is no padding. The backing is brown flannel turned over to the front with hexagons hand stitched to it.
1220 x 763mm