Quilt No.222RA - Rozanne Andrew
2020 x 1400mm
Made by the owner's grandmother, Bertha Fechner, at Loxton, SA in the early 1950s, no later than 1953. Owned by Rozanne Andrew.
"Further on from last correspondence regarding information on 3 quilts I own from my paternal grandmother. � This is information on grandmother's life. Name - Bertha Fechner & Philip Fechner
D.O.B 19/5/1888 D. 20/12/73 D.O.B 1/6/1893 D. 5/12/46
Lived all their married [lives] at Loxton, South Australia, a town on the River Murray.
Both people of German descent but born in Australia.
Both very frugal in their use of food and possessions. Always preserved all their fruit, killed own animals, grown most of their fruit and vegetables. Grandmother of course made own clothes and many quilts in her lifetime. Many traditions from Germany passed down and carried on through the generations including language. Being able to knit, crochet, sew, embroider an essential part of education. Strong church followers always.
� Grandfather was a blacksmith and wheelright. Grandmother did 'home duties".
[Letter from Rozanne Andrew 20.12.95]
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