Quilt No.581LC - Lorna Calder

Lorna Calder
Lorna Calder
NSW Central West
Jane Calder
Made in
1881 - 1900
Patchwork quilt of multi coloured silks and brocades. Crazy patchwork borders, mainly rectangular fabrics pieced together in diagonal patterns, radiating from a central frame embroidered with flowers. Many pieces are extensively embroidered in a great variety of stitches and motifs; butterflies, sunflowers, cats, daffodils, crown, pawn broker's symbol, 'money to lend', 'good night', the initials of family members and 'mater 1890'. The quilt has a deep border of maroon sateen. There is no padding visible but it is possibly a blanket. The backing is green/gold silk with a self stripe with...

The quilt was made by Jane Calder (born Bennett) in Melbourne probably just before the turn of the century. Jane was known as 'Mater' in the family. It descended through the maker's family and came to Lorna Calder on the death of her mother-in-law in 1948. The quilt was found in an old tin trunk in the cellar of her Melbourne home in Grey Street, St. Kilda. In 1980 Mrs. Calder had the quilt repaired for her daughter Morella's return to Australia and it was used in her Balmain home. Additional initials relating to Mrs. Calder's family had been added by the Austrian needlewoman, Soula, who did the repairs. The quilt came back into Lorna Calder's hands on the death of her daughter. It is not used.


The Calder family were from Edinburgh. Jane Bennett married William Henderson Calder in about 1860 and they went to New Zealand. She had nine children in New Zealand and they returned to Scotland in 1875. After a year or two the family came to Australia and settled in St. Kilda in a large house that still stands in Grey Street. Unfortunately much of the information about the quilt died with Lorna Calder's mother-in-law.
[Based on informal interview with Lorna Calder by Kylie Winkworth 15.9.99]

Jane Calder
Jane Calder
The house is St. Kilda where the quilt was made
The house is St. Kilda where the quilt was made

Related Quilts:

The Pioneer Women's Hut
Patchwork top with a centre frame of a mauve cross outlined in black within a square bordered with pink. The rest of the top is rectangles and squares in a wide variety of materials. There is no padding. The backing is brown, possibly curtain material.
1910 x 1480mm
The Pioneer Women's Hut
The top is a wholecloth piece of twill type cotton and the backing is a wholecloth piece of finer patterned cotton. The padding is a layer of pieces of used clothing stitched together, including part jumpers, some darned. These are inside an old folded blanket.
1540 x 950mm
Glenda Wilkinson
Quilt consisting of 30 blocks 360 x 360mm each (5 x 6). Each block consists of squares and rectangles arranged diagonally and edged with triangles. Each block is made from 2 or 3 different cotton materials, different colours but mainly pastels. It has not been quilted but tied with pink wool with 5 ties per block. Machine sewn with a folded and machine stitched edge. Padding appears to be coarse open weave cotton. The backing is printed flannelette.
2210 x 1850mm
Barbara McCabe
"A single bed cover made up of squares and recrangles of woollen fabric pieced together by a Vicker Sewing Machine from Myer Melbourne. The fabrics are either new (left over scraps) or used (unpicked woollen garments). The backing is an old (used) candlewick bedspread. There is no padding. It is faded and worn due to being used for other purposes later. There is a 66 cm high clown that ahs been appliqued on mainly by hand using blanket stitch. It is also made from scraps of fabric. The hands were cut from an old felt hat."
2400mm x 1660mm
Phyllis Dowling
Hand pieced cot quilt made from small rectangular shapes of a great variety of materials including cottons, silks, wools and velvets. The backing is cotton sateen in 3 colours and is brought to the front to form a border of pink, cream and yellow.
1170 x 920mm
National Trust of Australia (TAS)
Small rectangular bed cover, probably child's or even doll's, made from rectangles of cream linen stitched together with hand sewn french seams. The top surface is decorated with small squares and rectangles of coloured silk, velvet, wool and cotton attached approximately 25mm apart, with 3 stitches in centre of patch to attach to background. Bright pink wool patches stand out.
935 x 635mm