The model features yet to be constructed buildings, placing new developments in context. A self-directed camera offers visitors a close-up experience of the city. Video panels display footage that captures the life within the city as people move through the built environment. The model will be updated as the city progresses, encouraging visitors to regularly take a step back from the distractions on street level and appreciate the overriding structure of a vibrant, changing Sydney.
City Exhibition Space

City Exhibition Space has been created to profile an evolving Sydney in response to increasing interest in urban planning issues. The first of its kind in Australia, City Exhibition Space promotes greater awareness of how Sydney's future is planned. The changing program includes multimedia displays, architectural models, detailed information on city developments and public lecture and video program. State of the art display techniques present an in-depth perspective on our continuing development.
Level 4, Customs House, 31 Alfred Street, Circular Quay, NSW
+61 02 92428555
Fax: +61 02 92428556
10am-5pm seven days a week. Closed Good Friday and Christmas.
Wheelchair access, guided tours, education programs, public lecture program, reference/resource area, theatrette, venue hire (conference room, theatrette, entire gallery).
City Exhibition Space utilises state of the art technologies to present its exhibitions. City Exhibition Space is a resource for up to the minute information on current and future developments in Sydney, our communications modes reflect this, utilising techniques such as; wall panels with text and photographs, models of buildings, video, audio guides, slide shows and film. We do have some items of historical interest such as relics associated with an exhibition on urban archaeology and another tracing the development of Sydney's Central Business District.
Oral Histories
Stories told by construction workers on the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Stories told by construction workers on the Sydney Harbour Bridge may be listened to whilst viewing accompanying scrapbooks.
Maps of Sydney

A series of three glass panels displaying maps of Sydney in 1788, 1854, 1937. Artefacts and images from these eras add interest.
Major Projects

The Major Projects of City Exhibition Space profiles key works and proposed developments aimed at the improvement and expansion of City Services and infrastructure. The current capital works program for Sydney is unprecedented, with public projects worth $200 million and private projects worth $6.5 billion under-way. Sydneysiders are increasingly interested in the urban planning process and this exhibition will constantly change to include the most recent proposals for development in the city.
Sydney City Model

1:500 scale model of the Central Business District of Sydney. Includes a visitor operated camera to zoom in, an audio guide on highrise development, and video screens showing footage from around Sydney
Created Jan '99
Customs House Model
Chris O'Dwyer and Jim Rowlings
A model of Customs House at Circular Quay, tracing the architectural development of this building. The model is an hydraulic mechanism that opens up to reveal the original building and then as Customs House was extended and modified, the subsequent façade "covers" the previous building. Accompanied by an audio explanation.