Buderim Historical Society Inc

Pioneer Cottage is a house museum, built in c.1880 of local cedar and beech by the pioneer John Kerle Burnett. Structurally unaltered, the rooms and furnishings are arranged as used by the Burnetts. On display are many household items that were in everyday use. The Burnett family lived in the cottage for more than seventy years. The displays reflect their early lifestyle and the living alterations they made as times changed. The Sibyl Vise Museum Room provides visitors with the opportunity to browse through photographs and read about the history of Buderim. At the rear of the cottage a slab hut houses pictures and artefacts from Buderim's rural beginning, including the original coffee processing machinery. Pioneer Cottage is a heritage building of significance, classified and listed on the National Estate Register, the Heritage Register of Queensland and the National Trust.