Quilt No.13JHS - Junee & District Historical Society
790 x 1470mm
The quilt was made in England by Amelia, the wife of the Reverend William Cuttle before they came to Australia. The Rev. William and Mrs Cuttle were grandparents of Dr. Ronald Cuttle. His wife Mrs Ronald Cuttle donated the quilt to the Junee and District Historical Society NSW.
Label reads: 'Hand made box pattern patchwork quilt. Made in England by the wife of the Reverend William Cuttle before they came to Australia in 1884. The Rev. William and Mrs Cuttle were grandparents of Dr Ronald Cuttle M.B. B.S. (Melb) FRCS. Presented by Mrs Ronald Cuttle.'
"Enclosed is a photo of a Quilt which we have always believed came to Australia in March 1863 with my great grandparents - Rev William & Mrs Amelia Cuttle. Whether she made it on the way out, or had made it before she left, we are not sure. Unfortunately some parts of it have begun to deteriorate - it is made from mostly silk materials. Some years ago my mother gave it to the Junee Museum where it's displayed in a glass case which my mother provided for its protection. �..Rev William Cuttle came out from the Whitfield Tabernacle Congregational Church, Kingswood Bristol, to be minister of the Geelong (Vic) Congregational Church in 1863."
[Letter from Anne Carter, 1996]
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